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This is how it all started…

Indians in the United Arab Emirates constitute the largest part of the population of the country. Over 3,860,000 Indian expats are estimated to be living in the United Arab Emirates, with over 38% of the country’s total population and the fourth highest number of overseas Indians in the world, after the United StatesSaudi Arabia, and Malaysia. Indian contact with the emirates that now constitute the UAE dates back several centuries, as a result of trade and commerce between the emirates and India. The UAE has experienced a tremendous increase in the population of resident Indians who initially migrated to the country as a result of opportunities in petroleum. Now, Indians are key to the UAE’s construction, retail, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing and transport sectors. A sizeable minority of Indian migrants are involved in professional services and entrepreneurship. 

Foreigners comprise 99% of the UAE’s labour force, of which Indians are a part. Some of these foreigners have lived in the country for generations. Around 40% of Indians in the UAE are white collar professionals. In addition to employment-based migrants from India, many Indian entrepreneurs in the UAE have established successful national franchises, the notable ones such as Lulu Group InternationalLandmark GroupJashanmal, Ajmal Perfumes, Amber Packaging Industries, Jumbo Electronics, Choithram’s, Varkey GroupAlukkas and New Medical Centre.

Emirates Indian..